This document constitutes the General Terms of Use of the TALI SAS Website.

The Website has several purposes. On the one hand, it provides Users with a tool to contact the TALI SAS team.

On the other hand, it allows Users to obtain information on the products marketed by TALI SAS. Finally, it

offers Users the possibility to subscribe to an Electronic Newsletter that provides them with quick and regular

information on various subjects related to TALI SAS, in particular, the products marketed, its activities,

promotions and regulations. By doing so, the Site contributes to the promotion and marketing of TALI SAS


In its capacity as publisher, TALI SAS has published and/or updated on the date indicated above the General

Terms of Use.

Any complaint relating to the General Terms of Use must be sent by registered letter with acknowledgement of

receipt to TALI, 3 Rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200), accompanied by a copy of a valid ID.


For the purpose of the Terms and Conditions of Use, capitalized terms and expressions shall have the meanings

set forth below, whether used in the singular or plural.

« Terms and Conditions of Use » or « TCO » : means the present terms and conditions.

« TALI Content » : designates logos, images, trademarks, videos, sounds, software, graphics and is protected in

accordance with the provisions of Article 3.2..

« Personal Data » : data are considered to be of a personal nature when they allow the direct or indirect

identification of individuals.

« Electronic Newsletter » or « Newsletter » : means the letter sent to the User in the form of an electronic email

regularly sent to a list of Users who have subscribed to this option on the Site. The conditions of subscription

to the Newsletter and its operation are defined in Article 5.

« TALI » : means the company TALI SAS, a simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder, with a

capital of €5,000, registered in the Versailles Trade and Companies Register under the number 848 557 195,

domiciled at the following address 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200), and its collaborators.

« User » : refers to all users of the Site.

« Website » : reference to websites www.taliconnected.com and www.taliconnected.fr

« Data Processing » : refers to the collection, recording, use, transmission or communication of information of

a personal nature as well as any exploitation of files or databases, in particular interconnections.


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions:

1. Access to the Site

TALI seeks to maintain the accessibility of the Site, but is under no obligation to do so. It is specified that access

to the Site may be interrupted in order to guarantee the User a better experience while browsing the Site, but also

for maintenance, updating and any other reason, particularly of a technical nature.

TALI shall not be held liable for technical failures and loss of related data, nor for any other indirect damage

arising during the use of the Site or related to the use of the Site.

Update on


TALI SAS – Share capital : 5.000 € – Register Companies of Versailles n°848 557 195

Head Office : 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200).

By using the Site, the User accepts the Terms and Conditions of Use in their entirety. The User also accepts :

– the Privacy Policy, describes TALI’s Data Processing methods, i.e. the collecting, use, sharing, and storage

of personal data,

– the Cookie Policy, which describes how cookies work on the User’s computer, cell phone, or tablet when

using the Site and the tools available for setting them.

By surfing the Site, the User accepts the content of the TCO and their binding nature in the same way as the

Privacy Policy and the Cookie Policy.

Failure to accept the Terms and Conditions of Use by the visitor to the Site renders the User not eligible to use

the Site.

2. Conditions of use

2.1. Scope of application

The TCO applies to all the features of the Site. Access to certain functionalities is reserved for Users who have

provided Personal Data.

By doing so, the User agrees to the Processing of Data provided when using the Site, the processing carried out

as part of his navigation and in case of subscription to the Electronic Newsletter.

2.2. Conditions of use

Users wishing to access the Site recognize that they have the capacity and means necessary to do so and have

verified that the computer configuration used does not contain any virus and is in perfect working order.

Users can access the Site, consult articles, and events.

The Site offers Users the opportunity to subscribe free of charge to an Electronic Newsletter.

2.3. Right to the services of the Site

By accepting the TCO, the User declares that he fulfills the conditions of eligibility for its use, namely, capacity

and majority. The User is informed that the Site does not implement any of the provisions relating to the

protection of minors.

The User declares and recognizes having been informed by TALI that it declines all responsibility for damages

that the User may suffer or cause to third parties by using the Site if he does not meet the conditions of eligibility

for its use.

The User who acts on behalf of a legal entity declares that he has the necessary powers to act in the name and

on behalf of this legal entity and, at the very least, a delegation of authority.


TALI reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use subject to informing the User by any means

(email, posting on the Website, etc.). The TCO come into force as of the date of their notification or the day of

their publication on the Website.

Any use of the Site after the date of entry into force of the Terms and Conditions of Use is subject to the updated

TCO, even for Users who visited the Site before their update. Consequently, Users who continue to use the Site

after the entry into force of a new version of the Terms and Conditions of Use acknowledge that they have

accepted the updated Terms and Conditions of Use.

Update on


TALI SAS – Share capital : 5.000 € – Register Companies of Versailles n°848 557 195

Head Office : 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200).


1. Site Availability

TALI cannot guarantee uninterrupted and continuous availability and accessibility to the Site. TALI may limit

access to the Site, if necessary, including but not limited to :

– in case of external threats,

– to carry out maintenance operations,

– residents of certain states forbidding access to the Site.

TALI reserves the right to improve or modify the Site and add new services and features at any time.

2. Site Contents

The TALI Content is the exclusive property of TALI or its licensors or third parties having authorized it.

The TALI Content may be fully or partially protected by copyright, trademark law, and/or other French or

foreign laws and regulations.

The User agrees not to remove, alter or hide any copyright, trademark, service mark, or other proprietary rights

notices embedded in the TALI Content.

The trademarks, trade names and other distinctive signs of TALI used on, or in connection with the Platform

are trademarks, or registered trademarks of TALI.

No license or right is granted to the User on the TALI Content.

TALI takes care of the veracity of the published information and its regular updating. However, the User is

invited to inform TALI of any errors or omissions that may be found on the Site at the following address:


3. Links to external sites

The Site may contain links to third-party sites, which are subject to their own specific terms of service and

personal data protection practices. Links to these third-party sites shall not be interpreted as an approval by TALI

of their services and conditions, nor of their compliance with French laws and regulations.

TALI shall not be responsible for the accuracy or availability of third-party services, or for the content, products

or services available from such third-party services. Users are solely responsible for the use of links to third party

sites and for any damage that their use may cause.

4. Intellectual property Rights

The Site and the TALI Content are the property of TALI and are protected by French and international

intellectual property laws.

Any total or partial reproduction of the Site and/or the TALI Content is strictly prohibited and is likely to

constitute an offense of counterfeiting and/or unfair competition.

5. Forbidden behaviors

The User commits to :

– not be dishonest or deceitful,

– create a false identity on the Site,

Update on


TALI SAS – Share capital : 5.000 € – Register Companies of Versailles n°848 557 195

Head Office : 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200).

– copy, use, disclose or distribute any information obtained from the Site, either directly or through third

parties (without the express and prior consent of TALI),

– violate the intellectual property rights of others, including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or

other proprietary rights,

– violate TALI’s intellectual property rights or other rights, and in particular:

o copy or distribute the content created by TALI without prior express written authorization,

o the copy or distribution of technologies enabling to offer the functionalities of the Site,

o the use of names relating to TALI and the Site, or logos and distinctive signs relating thereto,

o usurp TALI’s identity.

– develop, support, or use the software, devices, scripts, robots or any other means, or processes (including

but not limited to indexing robots, browser plug-ins and add-ons, or any other technology or physical work)

to perform web scraping on the Site profiles, and other data published on the Site,

– reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, decipher or generally attempt to obtain the source code of the

elements of the Site or any related technology that is not available under an open-source software license,

– use the framing technique.


To guarantee good navigation on the Site, the User is invited to :

– proceed to the regular updates of its browser and operating system,

– use an up-to-date firewall and anti-virus,

– not to visit Sites that may present a security risk.


The User is invited to fill in his/her e-mail address to receive Electronic Newsletters containing information

related to TALI, its products, and its activity, as well as any information concerning motorcyclists, mopeds,

motorized, 2, 3 or 4-wheel motorized vehicles and more generally any vehicle with a mobility function. Electronic

Newsletters are sent by TALI for promotional and commercial purposes.

The User undertakes to make the adjustments corresponding to his or her wishes regarding the receipt of the

Electronic Newsletters and to refrain from any complaint or other action relating to the frequency of such

Electronic Newsletters.

The User may cancel his/her subscription to the Electronic Newsletters at any time by sending an e-mail to this

effect to the following address hello@taliconnected.com, or by requesting his/her un-subscription via the link

inserted in the body of the Electronic Newsletter received at the e-mail address indicated by the User.

Article 7. LIABILITY

The User acknowledges having been informed of the following information and having accepted it without


1. User’s liability

The User acknowledges having been informed that the functionalities of the Site allow him/her to control the

receipt of Electronic Newsletters sent by TALI.

The User also acknowledges having understood the consequences that could result from the deactivation of the

Electronic Newsletters and releases TALI from any liability related to any prejudice that the User may suffer as

a result of unsubscribing to the Electronic Newsletters.

Update on


TALI SAS – Share capital : 5.000 € – Register Companies of Versailles n°848 557 195

Head Office : 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200).

2. TALI’s Liability

TALI is not responsible for the quality, safety or reliability of the Site. TALI assumes no liability to the User for

any special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential damages, or for any loss of data, profits or revenues

related to the use of the Site.

To the extent permitted by law, TALI:

– does not guarantee that the Site will operate without interruption and errors,

– provides access to and use of the Site and the TALI Content on an “as is” and “as available” basis.

These limitations are in addition to the various limitations of liability outlined in the TCO.


When using the Site, TALI is required to collect and process personal data concerning Users, in accordance with

the regulations applicable to the protection of personal data.

Confidentiality and cookie policies are made available to Users on the Site.


1. Applicable Law

The contractual relations between TALI and the User are governed by French law, excluding the rules of private

international law. Excluded from this provision are mandatory provisions relating to the protection of consumers

from the country of residence of the User.

2. Language

The Terms and Conditions of Use are written in French. If they are translated into one or more foreign languages,

only the French text shall be deemed authentic in the event of a dispute.

3. Alternative Dispute Resolution

In the event of difficulties of execution and before any legal proceedings, the Parties undertake to try to resolve

them out of court. The User is invited to contact TALI by registered letter with acknowledgment of receipt at

the address of its registered office.

The User who is a European citizen may use the online dispute resolution service offered by the European Union

via the following link:


4. Jurisdiction

In the absence of an out-of-court settlement between TALI and the User, all disputes arising from the use of the

Site shall be submitted to the courts of the jurisdiction of PARIS. Excluded from this provision are mandatory

provisions relating to the protection of consumers from the User’s country of residence.

The absence of action by TALI as a result of a violation of the TOS does not constitute a waiver of the rights thus injured.


Site Editor

The website www.taliconnected.com / www.taliconnected.fr is edited by :

The Company TALI

French Company Law « société par actions simplifiée » with a share capital of 5.000 euros

Registered in the Trade and Companies Register of VERSAILLES n°848 557 195

Head Office : 3, rue Camille Claudel in Buchelay (78200)

Intra-community VAT n°FR105848557195

Phone : 0687321274

Email : hello@taliconnected.com

Director of publication of the Site :

Mr Issam TALI, Chairman of the Company TALI SAS

Hosting Provider of the Site :

The website www.taliconnected.com / www.taliconnected.fr is hosted by :

The Company AWS Amazon Web Service

Amazon.com Legal Department

P.O. Box 81226 Seattle

WA 98108 USA

Phone : (206) 266-4064

Fax : (206) 266-7010

Email : abuse@amazonaws.com


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